Sunday, 1 December 2013

Assignment 1 planning (part 4)

Some images from a recce shoot:

Going home
Good action with the child pointing, good use of space across the image
but needs something more on the RHS?

Woman detracts, boys need to be facing the camera, but this might work.

Idea needs some work - the image is too static and background is wrong.

Bin and black bag! Couple need eye contact.

Good angles, possibly too much sky or too much light?

Step in time, happy couple

Good angle and expression, maybe further back to include feet?

Background is loud, but close crop is death...

These images were taken with a 28mm lens, next shoot will be with a 50mm lens - I'm not sure which I prefer yet. Overall nothing to write home about, but good to be out with the camera and trying to piece things together for the assignment.  Having said that, I've identified 3 locations for shooting when the market is on.

Next steps:
  1. Work on image style and feel
  2. Options for formats and layout
  3. More time shooting people

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