Sunday, 22 June 2014

Assignment 3 planning (part 3)


A draft of my assignment 'book' was submitted to my tutor - the feedback was positive and encouraging.

Following through with the concept of a paired-pages: Primary pair - information (narrative) LHS and main image RHS; followed by Secondary pair - linking images to move the viewer from one 'section' to the next.

Below are a number of screen shots for the book as it was being developed - some the are pages are completed, similarly the sequencing is incorrect.

Completed 'Primary pair'
Incomplete 'Secondary pair' for milking parlour
Completed 'Secondary pair' for milk intake
Completed 'Primary pair' for process
Completed 'Secondary pair' for trollies
Incomplete 'Primary pair' for store - information missing
Completed 'Secondary pair' for store

Specific feedback from my tutor:
  1.  With regards layout - some pages could be improved by not varying the size of the images
  2. Showing sequences e.g. buying in a supermarket, is a really good idea for the shoot though
  3. Think about how the subject matter of the image is constraining the type of image.


There is no doubt that mixed sized images are jarring when you look through the pages - originally my images where the same size and I felt they looked a bit static, but at that point I hadn't printed the document. Viewing the printed document, it's almost as though your eye 'stumbles' over the images when they are different sizes. 

The sequences in the linking pages do what they are designed to do, flow from one section of the narrative to the next.

The subject matter is certainly contraining the type of image I am taking for this project - my initial thought on this was "shouldn't that be the case?" However, if I substitute typical for constrain, then yes I'm taking typical (stereotypical) images - so, time for a fresh look...

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