Sunday, 5 October 2014

Assignment 4 planning (part 6) - format for my review

Possible format/framework for critical review....

Introduction - (200 words)
Need something to create the hook and become a framework for the essay.

Objectivity - (500 words)
  • The 'status' of objectivity? Does it actually exist?
  • What exactly do we mean by objectivity - definitions?
  • How is it developed? How defines what is objective and what is not?
  • Is objectivity influenced by the language used and the format of the presentation?
  • How is objectivity 'abused'?
  • Why is it abused? Driving forces....
  • What is the perceived role of the photographer? Is this realistic today?
Ethics - (500 words)
  • How is the language of photography defined? Modified? Corrected???
  • Are the visual symbol of photography really universally understood?
  • Why are these symbols misused? Are they misused?
  • Are the 'borders' between objectivity and subjectivity clear?
  • Are the 'borders' between subjectivity and truth clear?
  • How does objectivity live with ethics in a multicultural environment?
  • How many different sets of ethics exist across the globe? Could I live 'contentedly' within each set?
Understanding - (500 words)
  • Does lack of objectivity really warp the truth?
  • Whose objectivity are we talking about? Whose truth are we talking about?
  • Even if publications are objective, how do we ensure readers are objective?
  • Is it possible to caveat information sufficiently enough to ensure true objectivity?
  • If objectivity is out, how do we effectively communicate our personal subjectivity?
  • Is this type of education of the general public possible?
  • How genuinely open to 'truth' is the general public - we are all guilty (to differing degrees) to only hearing what we want to hear and only believing what we want to believe!
Conclusion - (300 words)
Refer back to introduction and re-frame with closing arguments.

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