Sunday, 17 November 2013

Photographs from the family collection

Exercise 4 - make a selection of up to five photographs from your personal or family collection. They can be as recent or as old as you wish. The only requirement is that they depict events that are relevant to you on a personal level and couldn't belong to anyone else.

Using OCA forums, ask the learning communities to provide short captions or explanation for your photographs.

Photographs personal to me...

Photograph 1

Photograph 2

Photograph 3

Photograph 4

Photograph 5

I look forward to reading your comments.


  1. Number 1 looks historical, the processing and style dominate.

    Number 2 looks like a holiday snapshot of a time and place with the photographers significant other

    Number 3 looks like a photographers photo (as apposed to a snapshot)

    Number 4 looks like a TOAP exercise or an advert

    Number 5 looks like. a contemporary landscape

    It seems to me that the first three could only be yours but the last two could be anyone's.

    Good luck

  2. 1: the beginning
    2. what are you doing?
    3. Photographers best friend
    4. a river
    5.loneliness, thoughtfulness
